Step 1. Run Program11Z_1.exe
Step 2. Drag one of the 12 pictures from ① into the blank box ②.
Step 3. Click the ‘Convolution’ operation button (③) and check the images created in boxes ⑤ and ⑥ shown below. The dark images in ⑤ are the results of the convolution and the images in ⑥ are the inverted images; dark pixels to white and white pixels to dark.
Step 4. Click ‘Pooling’ button (④) and see how the created images by convolution become smaller.
Pooling operation just reduces the picture size, to one half in both row and column. The images in ⑦ are the pooled images from ⑤ and the images in ⑧ are from ⑥.
On the left, drag one of the pictures from ① and put it into the box ②. Then click the button ③ and check the image displayed in ⑥.
Click the button ④, followed by button ⑤ and check which of the labels is selected in ⑦.
KamelConsulting, LLC.
CEO. Byung S. Moon | Tel. +82-10-6627-4306 | byung.s.moon@gmail.com ㅣ Biz License 314-86-26086
2F, DICIA ,20 Daedeok-daero 512, Daejeon, S. Korea
2022 Kamel Consulting, LLC